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New Theme by Labinastudio


This print is from a series of works titled "Waiting" which explores the significant emotional distance between lines of waiting figures. Each figure is locked within their own existence, unaware and unresponsive to the other figures surrounding them.
The sugarlift technique involves directly painting a sugar/india ink mixture on to a copper plate onto a very thin layer of rosin which is heated and adhered to the surface of a copper plate. This creates a slight acid resistant grain which can create different tones. 

After being dipped in acid, the plate is inked up and hand printed on a professional printing press. The result is rich areas of tone impressed into the paper. 

This print is from a series of works titled "Waiting" which explores the significant emotional distance between lines of waiting figures. Each figure is locked within their own existence, unaware and unresponsive to the other figures surrounding them. Yet simultaneously, waiting in a line creates a situation where the gesture of one figure leads directly to the next, creating a fluidity between all of the figures. The works explore the individual and group anxiety that seems to permeate these silent and still scenes.

Source: Etsy

Sample Post


Source : Etsy

Bacon ipsum dolor amet t-bone flank pork chop sirloin pork belly, hamburger tongue fatback chicken landjaeger tri-tip corned beef drumstick. Bacon tri-tip bresaola swine rump, shank venison. Brisket meatloaf kevin, flank salami strip steak andouille tri-tip. Chuck kielbasa swine beef ribs hamburger.

Andouille hamburger kevin meatball jerky. Pig capicola pork loin bacon, beef sirloin meatball. Ball tip tongue pork chop, hamburger pork landjaeger chicken kielbasa drumstick prosciutto tenderloin short loin bresaola boudin. Porchetta flank andouille turkey, chicken pork sausage short loin bresaola filet mignon pork belly leberkas pork loin prosciutto. Pastrami biltong chicken strip steak flank kevin, meatloaf pancetta ribeye tail short ribs porchetta. Meatloaf strip steak pig, spare ribs chuck ball tip bresaola jowl.

Pastrami shankle tongue kielbasa turducken, landjaeger swine beef venison filet mignon flank cow. Andouille bacon pork loin drumstick, hamburger pork chop cow porchetta. Chicken pancetta drumstick filet mignon tail shoulder ham pork loin biltong jowl tenderloin ham hock tongue. Swine leberkas short ribs doner, flank jowl beef ribs pork loin jerky tongue ham hock capicola rump.

Sample Post

Bacon ipsum dolor amet t-bone flank pork chop sirloin pork belly, hamburger tongue fatback chicken landjaeger tri-tip corned beef drumstick. Bacon tri-tip bresaola swine rump, shank venison. Brisket meatloaf kevin, flank salami strip steak andouille tri-tip. Chuck kielbasa swine beef ribs hamburger.

Andouille hamburger kevin meatball jerky. Pig capicola pork loin bacon, beef sirloin meatball. Ball tip tongue pork chop, hamburger pork landjaeger chicken kielbasa drumstick prosciutto tenderloin short loin bresaola boudin. Porchetta flank andouille turkey, chicken pork sausage short loin bresaola filet mignon pork belly leberkas pork loin prosciutto. Pastrami biltong chicken strip steak flank kevin, meatloaf pancetta ribeye tail short ribs porchetta. Meatloaf strip steak pig, spare ribs chuck ball tip bresaola jowl.
Belmanarola .
Blog design by Labinastudio.